Directadmin 1.531.版本更新功能Version History 2018年6月27日 Posted by 今生在线 Version History DirectAdmin development process 06/26/18 Version 1.531 Ability to hide LetsEncrypt messages from Admins feature Daily email limit in Show All Users (LANG) feature LAN Licensing system to do external checks to prevent need for eth0:0 feature PhpMyAdmin 4.8.0 AuthLog support feature dovecot_proxy for Multi-Server Setup email sync feature service "kill" feature Do not affect php-fpm after installing a certificate feature Backup encryption (SKINS) feature Per-record TTL changes (SKINS) feature Ability to add/delete dns records from the task.queue feature DNSSEC: feature LetsEncrypt wildcards for free * SSL certificates (SKINS) feature GUI option for per-User awstats feature Option to not delete domain web data with domain (LANG) feature LetsEncrypt ability to process User requests in the background (LANG)(SKIN) feature & feature password placeholder in admin/reseller backups feature New option: letsencrypt_renewal_error_to_users=1 feature php_home_tmp_session_save_path (TEMPLATE) feature User Level License Verification: CMD_LICENSE_VERIFY feature task.queue for deleting a zone feature nginx 1.15.0: remove "ssl on;" (TEMPLATES) feature custom Blacklisted IP page (TEMPLATE) feature Add connection info into the connection notice (SCRIPTS)(TEMPLATES) feature Plugins can add "vue" files feature Updated: 2020年7月18日 at 13:17 ◀ MySQL主从复制(Master-Slave)实践 shell 中的>/dev/null 2>&1 是什么鬼? ▶ About the Author今生在线 发表回复 取消回复您的邮箱地址不会被公开。 必填项已用 * 标注评论 * 显示名称 邮箱 网站 Δ 这个站点使用 Akismet 来减少垃圾评论。了解你的评论数据如何被处理。